Wednesday, November 18, 2009


For these two images i decided to go with a Coca-Cola advertisement and change it so that all the little fun monsters had rotting teeth that showed. Smiling away the irony of the situation is subtle at first till you see the teeth on the cute little creatures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this video is commenting on how we only know of one planet that can support life.... our own. however we treat it in horrible ways with pollution. this is for my own personal use with video clips used from the earth trailer, abc, and other sources.

montage/mash up

For the first image i was trying to portray how my generation is so involved in technology that some of us can not go without facebook for more than 24 hours. also some people only know friends through facebook or meet people that way before ever knowing them in person. for the second image i am putting forth the idea that you can find beauty anywhere you go, even in the most run down of places.